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About Netradarshan

Netradarshan super specialty Eye Hospital (First of its kind in Belgaum city) is a rapidly expanding state of the art eye care centre situated in the heart of the city and caters to the ophthalmic needs of the city and rural masses. With its very advanced infrastructure, Netradarshan is on its way in establishing itself as tertiary eye care hospital in Belgaum.


The Geographically and Demographically well planned hospital as it has adequate space constructed on an area spanning over 12000 sq. feet which gives the flexibility to provide all sub speciality eye care services under one roof. Aesthetically designed in such a way that both community outreach program (through our charitable unit) and general OPD programmes are managed professionally to achieve complete patient satisfaction.

Few Reasons to Choose Us

  • We  are pioneers in refractive surgery in the region and have been doing it for years

  • Highly Sophisticated LASIK treatment

  • World-Class Equipment's

  • Reputed Surgeons

  • Wide variety of options

  • Experienced consultants

  • Affordable treatment

Netradarshan Is Associated With


Rotary Netradarshan Eye Bank

Supported by The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
Rotary Club of Shrevenport Dist: 6390 USA

In Association with The Rotary Club of Belgaum, RID 3170, India



Rotary Netradarshan Eye Bank is one of it's kind in Belgaum District. It has a state-of-the-art and most advance equipment to to procure, process, and store the donated eyes. 

The eye bank caters to a large number of corneally blind patients. 

It has facilities to do the latest lammillar corneal surgeries. 

Netradarshan Research Foundation

The Netradarshan Research Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose principal goal is to give subsidised and free therapy to patients who are impoverished. The charity also runs three free eye check ups as well as a variety of diabetic retinopathy awareness and screening activities. Surgical intervention is also offered to the disadvantaged patients as needed. The organization's founders created a number of free outreach and in-house programmes over the years to help the community. 

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Netradarshan Optometry School

Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistant (Affiliated to Paramedical Board Govt of Karnataka)

Established in the year 2019 is a registered paramedical, job-oriented course affiliated with Govt. of Karnataka.

Candidates competing their 12th standard/PUC and also SSLC can apply.

This is a 2 year diploma course.

The college has excellent infrastructure for learning and experienced teachers.

Candidates would get excellent hands on experience and exam oriented learning

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